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» Generelle informationer

ID: 2291
Kategori: Professionel Skuespiller, Speak/dubbing, Instruktør 
Postnr. & By: 2680  Solrød Strand
Sprog, flydende: Engelsk (Britisk)
Sprog, kendskab: Dansk
Dialekter: American Southern, American West Coast, Cockney, Irsk
Etnisk herkomst: Danmark
Instrumenter:  - 

» Persondetaljer

Køn: Mand Alder: 53 år
Højde: 190 cm Vægt: 87 kg
Hårfarve: Mørkeblond Hårtype: Glat
Øjenfarve: Hazel
Tøj str.: Bukse str.: 34
Skjorte str.: Jakke str.: 42
Sko str.: 45

» Stemmeprøver

Skriv titel på stemmeprøve

» Erfaring / har medvirket i:

Theatre -
Jimmy- Shoeshine - Edinburgh Festival
Gidney - A Night Out - Edinburgh Festival
Various - Ingrid comes to town - The Dorchester Hotel
Uncle - Lucky Stiff (The Musical) - Edinburgh Festival
Bruce Delamitri - Popcorn - Gitis School - Moscow
Johnny - The Barbers - The London Spot
Magnus - The Real Inspector Hound -Edinburgh Festival
Compere - Danish Warmblood gala show - Hernning.
Various - Directing Showcase - The Shaw Theatre
Various - Fright Nights - Edinburgh Festival
Verner -The Beach, Peter Asmussen – Krudttønden, Copenhagen – 2013

Policeman - Eastenders - BBC
Billy - Mortgage Placement co - AKJ Productions
Film -
Cincinnati Sam The Adventures of George the Projectionist -Bafta films
Joe - The eastern army - Phenomena pictures
Prom night - Theatre - The Axminster Studio Theatre, London
Tea by the sea - Theatre - The Axminster Studio Theatre, London
Fright Nights - Theatre - The Edinburgh Theatre Festival
Ghosts - Ibsen - The Pentameters Theatre, London
The Beach, Peter Asmussen – Krudttønden, Copenhagen – 2013
M Placement - Advert - London
Bugsy Malone - Tåstrup teater
Fame - Tåstrup teater
Dracula - Tåstrup Teater
Demo show - Det Ny Teater

» Beskæftigelse:

» Specielle færdigheder:

Good understanding of Stage Fight and Circus skills.
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